Most of the A-guild’s activities are organised by the committees, which offer a great variety of activities and opportunities for involvement. The A-guild consists of 11 committees, each with their own tasks. The committees of the guild deal with everything from designing merch to holding sports events and sittnings. If you are interested in becoming active within a committee or have other questions, you are welcome to contact the head of the committee.

Corporate Relations Committee
We work on making important business contacts between students and industry. We know how important it is to build professional and social networks during our studies, so we help organise activities such as the Arkipelago Career Fair, the Mentorship Programme, alumni talks and workshops.

Equality Representative
The Equality Committee is dedicated to fighting for equality and against discrimination in all its forms at Lund university. We organise lectures, film viewings, and other events. Turn to us if you have any concerns or problems about discriminatory conduct or equal treatment at the university. Our goal is a discrimination-free university.

Ceremony Committee
The Ceremony Committee is in charge of all the traditions, etiquette, dresscodes, songs and medal ceremonies that uphold the ethos of the A-Guild. If you’re interested in purchasing a songbook or a patch, come to us!

Student Council Architecture
We are the student voice which represents the Architecture programme and its students. Our main goals are that you always feel comfortable at the university, and that you receive the best-possible quality education. We work with teachers and the school’s management in organising information sessions, doing development work, and many other things to improve your time at school. Get in touch with us if you’d like to improve something about your academic life at Lund University!

Student Council Industrialdesign
We are the student voice representing students of the Industrial Design programme. We make sure that our education maintains its high quality. We organise lunch lectures, workshops and events so that students can continue learning, get to know each other and have fun during their time at IKDC. Get in touch with us if you’d like to improve something about your academic life at Lund University!

International Committee
The International Student Committee is dedicated to organising events catered for exchange students and international Masters students. We often host events which introduce unique Swedish culture and food!

Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee looks after all the A-Guild’s communications. We handle the guild’s graphic design, posters, films, our official magazine A4, merchandise, and our website. We make the best-looking posters you’ll see posted about LTH.

Festivities Committee
The Sexmästeriet is our festivities committee. Whether it’s cooking, serving or bartending, this is the committee that looks after most parties, bars and dinners. Each guild in LTH has its own sexmästeri, and we often work in partnership for collective events!

Activities Committee
The Activities Committee coordinates and organises some of Lund’s most classic events. From table tennis tournaments and Halloween parties, to larger events with the rest of LTH such as the Sångarstriden (the annual song battles between the guilds) to the tandem cycle ride from Gothenburg to Lund.

Phøset is responsible for organising all of the Guild’s Nollning orientation activities during Lunds Novisch periods. The committee consists of six people who give their heart and soul to make the most memorable welcome for Lund newest students.

Election Committee
The Election Committee oversees the election of new board members and positions. The committee looks after the nomination of new board members, and ensures that the right candidate fills the right position.